All of us at Uniquely Created share the same values and beliefs. Everyone is UNIQUE and is of value making them and their memories and experiences special . It would be our pleasure to help you recreate or create that special memory . Please feel free to contact us with any questions. If you don't see it on the site please email me as it maybe a project in development. :)
863.274.1378 phone/text

Uniquely Created beginning....

Judge Sprinkle holding
Blake, Martin, Diana
Ben ( nephew) Joey
June 1998
Blake, Judge Sprinkle, Martin, Diana, Noni, Papa, Ben, Joey, Carrie, Caitlyn
June 1998
What is it that motivates you? For me it is stopping and looking around to see how God has blessed us. Along with how each of us are unique in our own way.
How Uniquely Created came to be is a life long dream of creating unique and special things for others. Letting them know that they are so very special and to embrace their uniqueness and value. Uniquely Created allows me to create that very special gift that can be used to remind yourself or others of that fact.
One of the most precious gifts that our family was able to share is the day we became a family! So today take a moment, breathe and reflect on the fact that you are special! Hope you enjoy what you see in our shop. Remember it is our pleasure to personalize, customize and create that special gift for you.

A little about me
Uniquely Created was "born" because of a life long dream of helping people capture their most precious memories. I was truly blessed to have two parents that first loved God and shared that love with my sister and myself and all those around them. One thing that my folks always did was they never ended a conversation without saying I love you. To some that might seem like a weird memory. But it is far from that it is what showed me we never know how much time we have here on this planet nor to whom will cross our path. Though I don't say I love you to everyone that crosses my path I do say "Make some great memories". Why tell someone to make great memories, well there are many reasons . Mainly because hopefully after meeting me they know there is someone that does care about them.
A little about myself , my name is Diana ( yep I can hear you say Hi Diana) ;)
My husband, Martin and I have been married for almost 36 years. He is my best friend as well my faithful and loving husband to me. We are the parents to our two sons Joseph and Blake. Along with being the grandparents to our grandson Damien. We were truly blessed to have a blended family by adoption. Though our family is blended by adoption to be very clear we could not love these boys anymore than if we had given birth. Actually we love them more because we prayed for them for many years. :) For you see the greatest example of adoption is when God sent His son to die for us. Providing a way for us to be adopted into God's family. Now I fully understand not everyone believes as we do but that is an individual choice. So no worries will not be "forcing" our beliefs on anyone but want to it clear that because it is important to us we like to share. Moving forward our youngest son is profoundly deaf and therefore the deaf community is very near and dear to our heart.
A little of my background, I've been doing crafts and floral arrangements since dirt was invented or at least it seems like that long ago. For as far back as I can remember creating things has always been a passion of mine. It gives me a special joy when I am able to capture a memory for someone and turn it into a special gift.
Here at Uniquely Created , we offer a variety of different products that we will create specially for you. Each one is created special for you, allowing you to have something that you can cherish and enjoy for yourself or as a gift for someone.
With that I hope that you enjoy browsing our shop and can find something that will help you make that moment in time a very special memory. If you have any question please feel free to reach out to me at Diana@uniquelycreated.org for assistance. Thank you for shopping with us.
Till we chat again, Make some Great memories,
Martin and Diana

PS: Our buddy and pal would be hurt if we didn't include his picture too. After all he is our fur baby. ;)
PSS: Since we can no longer give our furbabies a hug make sure if you have one that you give them an extra one. :)

Sadly Odie crossed the Rainbow bridge in January of this year. Just like Teddy we will always cherish the memories of him and love him forever.